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Brendon Small Reveals More Info About His Solo Record

We were the first to report of the news of Brendon Small's solo record, when he broke the news to us himself on the black carpet of the Revolver Golden Gods Awards in 2010. Since then not much news has come out about the record, but recently our friends at Metalsucks got to talk to him and he revealed some exciting info about the project. Here is what he said:

I’ve got a solo record that’s kind of outside of Dethklok that I did with [Dethklok drummer] Gene Hoglan and [Dethklok live bassist] Bryan Beller, who also played with Steve Vai. He’s an amazing bass player.

It’s got some double kicks and fast guitar, but it’s a little more melodic than Dethklok and the vocals are definitely more melodic. There’s more singing involved by me because I’ve got Dethklok to do the guttural kind of growly stuff. I wanted to do something that uses more melody in the vocals. The way I’ve been describing it is as a high stakes intergalactic extreme rock album with a lot of heavy metal elements. It’s pretty ridiculous but it takes itself dead seriously. It’s a concept album. If I do my job right it should sound like a big, ridiculous audio comic book in some way.

I don’t know [what it will sound like] musically, but thematically something like a Devin Townsend kind of thing. Yeah, kind of like a Flash Gordon meets Metallica kind of thing. I don’t think the music sounds like Devin Townsend, but in order to categorize it, something along those lines. It’s definitely different.

Holy mother of Jesus, I would very much like a high stakes intergalactic extreme rock album in the vein of a Devin Townsend album! Hopefully, this will come to fruition very soon. In the meantime, for all you gear nerds, check out this Rigged column on Metalsucks where Brendan goes through his entire live setup.

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